Month: February 2016

Food for pain

This is the second podcast in a series on self-management for hip pain. In this podcast we discuss how our eating habits may be impacting on the levels of pain we feel. This one is not exclusively for the hip or indeed for those in pain. Food is universal. So have a listen, enjoy and […]

Are you a fitness fanatic or weekend warrior?

This article highlights a problem that is set to keep growing, which is people being recommended for hip replacement at a younger and younger age. This not just an issue for so-called ‘fitness fanatics and weekend warriors’. The length of time a replacement joint lasts is impacted by how active you are and the types […]

Hip pain before and after surgery?

Extending conservative self management for hip OA for as long as you can is a choice made by many for lots of different reasons. If you do have surgery being in the best possible condition beforehand can speed up your recovery and reduce the likelihood of pain post operatively. So whether you want to have […]

Hip replacement surgery at a young age

Two interesting and contrasting stories in this article that are worth reading. Take home messages here. 1. It takes time to get hip pain diagnosed accurately so if you have any hip pain act quickly to give yourself the best chance to self-manage conservatively. 2. All recovery, whether it is from a chronic condition or […]

Exercise can help manage hip pain

The earlier hip arthritis is diagnosed the better chance of a good outcome for self-management. Exercise therapy is an important and effective part of the self-management tool-kit. HipTrac can help to improve exercise tolerance. Read more…

The pain is not in the picture

Treat the patient not the picture is the take home message from this article. Gruesome looking X-rays of hip arthritis is not the end of the world and not seeing damage does not mean you have no problem. Focus your efforts on doing what you can to improve your situation with self-management techniques to help […]

New hip re-surfacing materials

Hip re-surfacing has received a lot bad press because of failed joints due to metal on metal wear and the potential for minute metal particles getting into the blood and causing illness. This article highlights further technological developments for people who may consider hip resurfacing in the future. Just how well the new material will […]

Sporting injuries and hip pain

Doctors are seeing more hip injuries linked to sport. This article sights the extreme intensity of the work outs as a possible cause. Other factors to consider are the advances in diagnosis and the changing age profile of the sporting population. What ever the reasons this is trend that is only set to rise. Are […]

Pain in the groin? Get the hip checked.

This article outlines research that indicates many groin related injuries are commonly related to hip joint pathology. The take home message is to make sure hip pathology is ruled out for any groin related pain. This can often delay the time it takes to accurately diagnose a hip problem. Read more…

Self-management for hip pain

Welcome to HipTrac UK’s podcast. In this podcast we will be discussing issues around hip pain with particular attention being paid to ways of managing pain. Although the primary focus is given to the hip you may find some of the more general information useful for managing pain in other areas of the body. Please […]

HipTrac UK talks with Strength Physio

I was fortunate to spend some time speaking with Chris Lendrum from Strength Physio. We discussed the reason for, and benefits, of HipTrac. It was enjoyable spending time with a progressive and forward thinking physiotherapist who practices manual therapy and has a flexible patient centred approach. Listen, enjoy and share. Thank you. HipTrac – StrengthPhysio […]