ISHA (International Society for Hip Arthroscopy) is an international community of world leading orthopaedic surgeons with a special interest in hip preservation surgery. The 7th ISHA Annual Scientific Meeting is taking place in Cambridge, England from the 23rd – 26th September 2015.
Working alongside the surgeons in ISHA is a Physiotherapy group with other allied healthcare professionals actively being encouraged to attend the ISHA Meetings. This growing and vibrant community is vital for helping people with degenerative hip disease around the world.
Research into hip pathology and the conservative management of conditions is a growing area of interest in musculoskeletal therapy. For the first time there will be a parallel meeting organised by Physiotherapy ISHA members focusing on the latest research in the field of conservative management and rehabilitation.
The full program is varied and interesting, including lectures, symposium, electronic posters and technical exhibitions. There is no better forum and venue to learn about the latest research in hip preservation surgery, the latest techniques in rehabilitation and the conservative management of hip pathology.
The meeting is designed to meet the educational needs of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Musculoskeletal Therapists (Physiotherapist, Osteopaths, Chiropractors), Specialty Physicians, Athletic Trainers, Rehabilitation Specialists and other healthcare providers involved in the care of patients with hip issues.
HipTrac UK looks forward to attending ISHA Meeting 2015 and will be available at the Physiotherapists parallel meeting on Thursday 24th September at Cambridge City Hotel to provide demonstrations and information on HipTrac.